NEMPAC Halloween celebrations begin next Tuesday!halloween

Here is what we have lined up:

Pumpkin Painting: Nempac will host our annual pumpkin painting event on the prado Tuesday, October 8th, right after school. Rain date will be announced if needed!

There will be 100 pumpkins at NEMPAC waiting to be painted! Come out Tuesday after-school from 3:15pm – 5pm to paint yours! Please bring $5 for a pumpkin, bring a smock if you have one, and we’ll provide the rest! A shout out and HUGE thank you to John at Prince Postale for providing pumpkins again this year!!!

Halloween Night Gathering on the Prado!

October 31st- 6:00-7:30p.m. Pizza arrives at 6:30.

NEMPAC is planning to light up the Prado and bring in fun music, free pizza,
and free cider to all in our community on Halloween Night! We are seeking volunteers to bring games and activities for our little ghosts and goblins! Please contact if you’re interested.


A big thanks to our event sponsors Senator Petruccelli, State Rep. Michlewitz and City Councilor Sal LaMattina. See you on the Prado!!!