Click the pic for event pictures on Facebook (thanks Matt Conti and

Click the pic for event pictures on Facebook (thanks Matt Conti and

In case you missed it NEMPAC had a serious throw down of a party at Fillipo’s last night with our seasonally themed “Hoot & Howl” costume party. The room was full of NEMPAC’s friends and neighbors, most dressed in grand Halloween attire. In addition to the meal, we had a great costume contest, we featured performers from within NEMPAC’s instructors and students, (thanks Chris and Emily) and, as everybody in the audience can attest, Bobby Eustace and the “Parmenter Street Philharmonic” (in lieu of a better name) thoroughly rocked the totally surprised crowd. The “PSP” kicked great covers of U2 (Vertigo) and the Rolling Stones (Beast of Burden) among other favorites from their set. I hope we can get them back for future engagements!

Personally, I am very thankful our celebrity judges State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, City Councilor Sal LaMatinna, North End Branch Children’s Librarian Miss Jennifer, BPS Eliot School Principal Traci Walker Griffith,’s Matt Conti, and Bobby Eustace from Polcari’s. and for everyone who participated and made our Hoot & Howl a great example of what a fundraiser can be. None of this could have happened without the hardest working board, volunteers and coordinators in Boston. Thank you Jen, Becca, Sherri, Sue, Margaret, Emily, Chad, Court, Ronnie, Lauren, Kathy and our newest, Amy! Great work everyone and I’m sure we can look forward to more great events in the future!

Matthew Black, NEMPAC President