Congratulations to our November Students of the Month, Josie Passacantilli and William Savage!
Here is what Mary-Alexandra, Josie’s Private Piano Instructor, had to say about Josie:
“Josie Passacantilli has been studying piano with me for over 1 year now and has been making great progress. She is motivated and loves to learn. Josie is always asking great questions and never afraid to try something new. I look forward to seeing how she continues to grow in her studies and playing over the next few months”.
Here is what Dan, William’s Music Ensemble Director, had to say about William:
“William is attentive and eager to learn at every rehearsal. He continues to make great strides on his instrument, giving every effort to learn new rhythms and grooves. Having the all important role of time-keeper, William has done an excellent job of supporting the rest of the ensemble and I look forward to seeing him progress as the year continues!”