School Partnerships

Arts education is essential to growing minds and creativity. Specifically, music instruction improves language comprehension and builds confidence. We partner with like-minded organizations that support our mission of bridging the gap between the need for music education with top quality instruction.

In an effort to provide #MusicForAll, NEMPAC brings high-quality music and arts education to schools and organizations where it is otherwise unavailable. With the constant threat of budget cuts to art programs and already underfunded communities, we strive to enrich programming at all of our partner sites.

Our School Partners Include:

Eliot Innovation School, K – 8 Boston Public School

Good Shepherd School, Early Childhood

Harvard Kent School, K – 6 Boston Public School

The Hurley School, K-8 Spanish/English Immersion

Warren Prescott School, K – 8 Boston Public School

St John’s School

The Croft School

Eliot K-8 Innovation School

In 2010 NEMPAC and the Eliot K-8 Innovation School began a partnership to provide Eliot students with in-school music education to Grades K – 8, as well as after-school Eliot Band, Eliot Music Ensemble, and Eliot Choir. 

Currently, we offer in-school music education to grades K-3, an in-school Strings Ensemble, an in-school upper school theatre class, and the After-School Eliot Band Program. Additionally, we offer after-school pick-up options and private music instruction on-site.

Our in-school general music program is taught by instructor Laura Raty. Our Strings Program instructors are Brooks Berg, Harriet Hung, Rafael Natan, and Peter Sumner. The Eliot Band Program is led by instructor Kristi Scaccia with instrument specialists Emy Hardy, Joel Kayser, Matias Moar, and McKena Stickney. The upper school theatre class is taught by NEMPAC Musical Theatre Program Director Michaela Barczak. 

Private Lessons at the Eliot School are taught by Laura Raty and Pedro Sanjur.

The NEMPAC/Eliot School Music Programs are, in part, funded by the BPS Arts Expansion Fund at EdVestors and the Liberty Mutual Foundation. 

Good Shepherd School

In 2016 NEMPAC partnered with Good Shepherd Nursery School located in Charlestown to cultivate the skills and introduce music education to children 2 to 5 years of age. Currently, we provide a once-per-week Music & Movement class for each age group. This commitment to music has enriched the learning development of these young students.

Classes at Good Shepherd School are taught by NEMPAC instructor Kristi Scaccia.

Warren-Prescott Boston Public School

NEMPAC began to expand its reach into Charlestown in 2015 by piloting Private Group Instruction at Warren-Prescott K-8 School. As a result, the program has grown into PMI in piano, and guitar for Grades K2 and above. We look forward to returning to WP for private lessons in Fall 2024.

In Fall 2021, we began an in-school music technology and songwriting program for middle schoolers in grades 6 – 8. This program is funded in part by the BPS Arts Expansion Fund at EdVestors

Harvard-Kent Boston Public Elementary School

Through our Charlestown expansion, NEMPAC is proud to have developed a partnership with the Harvard-Kent Elementary School. We now offer after-school Private Music Instruction in piano, and violin two days per week.

Lessons at Harvard-Kent are taught by NEMPAC instructor Brooks Berg and Justine Boonstra.

In Spring 2020, we started the Harvard Kent Dance Troupe virtually which we now offer in person to the school, free for students in grades 3 – 6.

Th dance program is taught by NEMPAC instructor Sami Mirrer. 

Mario Umana Academy

NEMPAC started a partnership with the Mario Umana Academy in East Boston in the Spring of 2023. We offer in-school theatre and movement classes to students in 4th grade. 

These classes are taught by NEMPAC instructor Elayna Broillet.