NEMPAC May Student of the Month – Lleyton Wing

Lleyton was nominated by his teacher, Jeremy Sarzana. Here’s a few words from Jeremy about Leighton.

“Lleyton is a serious student who comes to class prepared.  He enjoys learning, from the technical stuff to the things we learn by ear.

Lleyton is a very smart boy who listens attentively picks up the material quickly.  He truly enjoys the guitar and is dedicated to learning it inside and out.

He does his homework and tries his hardest during the  lessons. He is a joy to teach because he has a work ethic and attention span that allows us to cover a variety of material that I believe will make him a well rounded guitar player as well as musician.

I have heard some good news that Lleyton will be attending Boston Latin school next year.  I think he will be a great fit for this school as he is a smart boy as well as a good student.

Not only is Lleyton a good student but he’s also a very talented musician.  He’s a natural and has great coordination for the guitar.  I’m glad Lleyton is sticking with it and I foresee much success in his future.”