We are so excited about our second annual STUDENT MUSICIANS APPRECIATION WEEK – Nov 13th-19th, 2023. No RSVP is required to attend.
Our goal for this program is to:
  • Educate our parents or caretakers on their child’s instruments
  • Give parents/caretakers tools to help their child practice at home
  • Get to know YOU!
  • See all that our musicians-in-training have mastered and learned thus far this season in their lessons.
During this week, we invite families and caregivers to sit in on their children’s lessons and engage in their students’ musical journey. There will be a feedback survey for families to complete and an opportunity to enter in a drawing for 10% off their Session 2 lessons. If they win, they will be contacted directly by our PMI Manager, Mary-Alexandra at monstad@nempacboston.org.