We hope this blog post finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

This week, we’re excited to launch NEMPAC’s (virtual!) family bingo to fuel artistic growth and inspire creativity at home during these uncertain times.

Here’s how your family can play:

  1. Download or print the (virtual!) bingo card that aligns with the artistic discipline your child studies here at NEMPAC. We’ve customized our bingo cards for dancers, musicians, performers, and vocalists. (Virtual!) family bingo is open to any NEMPAC student and their family, regardless of whether the student is enrolled in school partnership programming, private and group music instruction, or arts education courses at our community music school.
  2. Work together to solve one arts challenge per day. Each box in the bingo card represents one of these daily arts challenges. Remember to fill in the boxes as you go to capture your family’s progress. Please note that a parent or guardian must supervise their child’s participation in (virtual!) family bingo and ensure that their child adheres to social distancing guidelines throughout the activity.
  3. Share your family fun on social media to show our faculty and staff what you and your loved ones have been up to. Be sure to tag NEMPAC and use the hashtag #AtHomeWithNEMPAC.
  4. Once your family has completed a row of arts challenges, email NEMPAC at info@nempacboston.org with a photograph of your bingo card. Use the subject line: NEMPAC (Virtual!) Family Bingo.
  5. For each row of arts challenges your family completes, your NEMPAC student will receive one entry into a drawing for three free private music lessons in fall 2020.
  6. The drawing for the free private music lessons will be held on Tuesday, August 18. We’ll pull three names, and the same person can’t win more than once. Winners will be announced in our weekly e-newsletter and also notified via email.

Game on, NEMPAC!

Virtual Family Bingo Card for Musicians

Virtual Family Bingo Card for Dancers

Virtual Family Bingo Card for Performers

Virtual Family Bingo Card for Vocalists